ACHAT Comfort Hockenheim

gleisstrasse 8/1

Property highlights

Main amenities

  • On-Site parking
  • Parking
  • Ironing board
  • Non-smoking rooms (generic)
  • Front desk
  • Security
  • Free parking

Room Information

  • Nonsmoking rooms (65)
  • Floors (5)
  • Double bedrooms (28)
  • Total rooms (100)
  • Rooms with internet access (100)
  • Total rooms and suites (100)
  • All rooms non-smoking (65)
Stay at the ACHAT Comfort Mannheim/Hockenheim and discover the racing capital of Hockenheim, the Rhein-Neckar metropolitan area, the Palatinate, Odenwald and Kraichgau. Our ACHAT Comfort Mannheim/Hockenheim offers modern furnished rooms with bright, friendly colours and a pleasant atmosphere – ensuring our guests feel right at home in the motorsport city of Hockenheim. The 100 guest rooms and long-stay apartments have been styled with a loving attention to detail. Furnished to the tried-and-tested Business and Superior standards
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