c lopez de hoyos 4

Property highlights

Main amenities

  • Lunch served in restaurant
  • Meal plan available
  • Restaurant
  • Concierge desk
  • Air conditioning
  • Meeting rooms
  • Laundry/Valet service
  • Photocopy center

Room Information

  • Total rooms (144)
In terms of safety against viral diseases including COVID19 we have adapted our prevention and hygiene procedures to ensure the atmost safety and wellbeing of our guests staff and suppliers at all our hotels For your study and development we have constituted a Technical Commission whose aim is for us to enjoy the return to the activity with maximum safety We have created the program for this purpose We care about you which includes a sizing plan to ensure you enjoy your next stay at any of our hotels in complete tranquility. Completely remodeled in the heart of Salamanca neighbourhood one of the most elegant neighbourhood in Madrid. Its location is ideal for travelling for leisure or business. The luxurious rooms are based on the B-Room concept the maximum standards and quality. Barcelo Healthy Gourmet menu.
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