Hampton Inn Visalia, CA

4747 west noble avenue

Property highlights

Main amenities

  • Non-smoking rooms (generic)
  • Free Parking

Room Information

  • Connecting rooms or suites (10)
  • Floors (4)
  • Suites (9)
  • Total rooms (88)
  • All rooms non-smoking (88)
  • Nonsmoking rooms (88)
  • Accessible rooms (1)
Some hotel services may not be available or may be limited during your visit.The following services and amenities are available, but with reduced service: Fitness Center, Breakfast, Pool, Spa.The following services and amenities are currently not available: Airport Shuttle, Complimentary Evening Social, Concierge, Executive Lounge, Golf, On-site Restaurant(s), Room Service, Valet Parking.If you're looking for ultimate service while traveling, we think you'll agree that the Hampton Inn Visalia California hotel is your perfect match. We are located in the heart of the San Joaquin Valley, the gateway to the Sequoia National Park. Whether you are traveling to see the magnificent Redwood trees or for business purposes, our Hampton Inn Visalia California hotel offers a full range of services and amenities to make your stay as comfortable as possible. The Hampton Inn Visalia is an 88-room hotel located conveniently off the highway exit with services for both children and adults. We love having you here at the Hampton Inn Visalia California hotel!
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