Hotel Ciutat Martorell

avda pau claris south/north

Property highlights

Main amenities

  • Accessible facilities
  • Coffee shop
  • Bilingual staff
  • Multilingual staff
  • Public area air conditioned
  • Air conditioning
  • Wheelchair access
  • Wireless internet connection in public areas
  • Children welcome
  • Non-smoking rooms (generic)
  • Elevators
  • Toilet
  • Ironing board
  • Security


  • Adapted room doors
  • Bed types of wheelchair accessible rooms
  • Elevator access to all levels
  • Accommodations have bath in bedroom
  • Number of each room type equipped for disabled persons- 8 fields
  • Emergency instructions in pictorial form
  • Accessible baths
  • Bedroom wheelchair access
  • Does hotel have accessible parking?

Room Information

  • Total rooms and suites (92)
  • Floors (3)
As for the security measures taken by COVID-19The use of masks in the common areas is mandatory.Hydroalcoholic gel is available to customers and employees.The minimum safety distance of 2 meters is recommended.The cleaning of the common areas is more common than usual.Credit card payment is recommended and the POS is disinfected after each use.
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