via dell umilta 36

Property highlights

Main amenities

  • Fire safety compliant
  • Hot breakfast
  • Continental breakfast
  • Phone services
  • Meeting rooms
  • Private bath or shower
  • Elevators
  • Coffee shop
  • Lunch served in restaurant
  • Meal plan available
  • Restaurant
  • Concierge desk
  • High speed internet access
  • Air conditioning
  • Non-smoking rooms (generic)
  • Family plan
  • Safe deposit box
  • Room service
  • Pets allowed

Room Information

  • Total rooms (27)
Umilta 36 is composed by 47 rooms and suites and features 3 FB outlets - 1 gym and 1 meeting room - The hotel aims to position itself on the top market in Rome - in Italy and in the world - Some words that describe the hotel style the best are - vintage - modern - dandy - contemporary - urban - The hotel payoff is - timeless beauty -
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